world-wide need for Resources

Global urbanisation is increasing at an unprecedented rate and creating enormous demand for natural resources. As the world moves to urbanise and electrify, resource commodities will be a key focus for long term growth and sustaining everyday lifestyles.  Everything points to energy - which is now found in many new forms and electrification.

DGR's main objective is to explore for world-class assets in emerging jurisdictions for commodities researched and proven as necessary for the technological future we are rapidly entering..

Click on one of the below commodities to learn more about the project:

Bauxite | Cobalt | Copper | Gas | Gold  | Lithium  |  Nickel |  Oil  | Tin | Zinc


  • A diverse range of commodities

  • A diverse range of operational jurisdictions

  • Multiple financial markets and international financial exchanges

  • Traditional resources (gold, copper, gas) and technology-driven resources (lithium, tin, cobalt)

  • Long-term growth underpinned by forecast commodity demands

  • Underlying projects ranging from infancy to maturity

  • Ongoing project and resource company generation

  • Market and financial due diligence of project selection and advancement

  • State of the art geophysical technology in exploration